
Community Involvement

Gretta Projects

Vicky Miller deeply believes in giving back to the communities where she works.  With this personal commitment, she supported a multitude of programs to help others in those local communities and global programs.  She is inspired with the continued spirit to help others help themselves.  She has a special place in her heart to help families in need. 

Her own Mother was a single Mom who daily rode the bus back and forth to work holding at times, three jobs a week to raise her two children and make ends meet. Food on the table and a place to live were her Mother’s priorities. “We were loved, and we knew she would always be there for us and she would somehow scrape things together to provide the basics we needed, in our tiny apartment that she always kept decorated as pretty as she could afford,” Vicky Miller expressed. 

 Her Mom inspired Vicky with that “can do" and “never give up” spirit. These qualities taught Vicky to learn how to get back up when life throws hard punches that sometimes knocks you off your feet!  She watched her Mom get back up each time to live stronger, work harder and smarter in the ever-changing curves of life.  Vicky was encouraged to see her Mom go around or just bust though the barriers that always seemed to block her progress.  She knew and trusted that God will always help her find a way. 

Vicky will always be inspired by her Mom, Gretta, and will continue to honor her Mom by helping other “Gretta’s” out there who have been hit with some difficulties in life.  Vicky helps these families by supporting community projects and, by helping those who have been battered by the storms of life by taking their shelter homes that have been provided to them to live in and creating these houses into a beautiful warm home for the family by donating her design and décor services. Working with local programs that help families get placed into shelter homes, as well as military families who have experienced difficulties gives her so much joy to turn houses into a warm home with her “Gretta projects”.
